Our Approach
We are a group of alcoholics and drug addicts in Memphis, TN that have taken the 12 steps of Alcoholics Anonymous.
We have recovered from a seemingly hopeless state of mind and body by taking the twelve steps as outlined in the book Alcoholics Anonymous.
Many of us suffered from alcoholism and drug addiction for years without a solution. We sought help in Alcoholics Anonymous and other 12 Step Fellowships, Treatments Centers, and Religious Organizations etc.
We were confused by the mixed messages in the 12 step meetings we were attending. We also heard a great many things from treatment centers that directly contradicted what the book Alcoholics Anonymous stated regarding the power of choice in drinking and drugging.
When we finally received an adequate presentation of the program as outlined in the book Alcoholics Anonymous, we were able to take the steps and recover. It's now our responsibility to "pass it on" and that's why we started this site.
Our Mission
Our objective is to present the 12 steps of Alcoholics Anonymous to anyone seeking a solution to their drinking or drugging problem.
Many alcoholics that use prescription and illicit drugs in addition to alcohol, are confused about whether or not they are an alcoholic or a drug addict.
We know from experience that once Step 1 has been adequately presented to a newcomer they can better understand and accept the problem. Once that has happened, they can recover.